Setup and Configuration:

Connect the Included RJ12 cables to the E.STOP (black wire) and T.KEY (silver wire) locations on the PSFSSlc. Route wires together to the back of your Fanatec DD Unit and plug the Black Wire into the E.Stop location on the back of your unit. Remove the Torque Key from your DD if not already removed and plug the silver wire into the Torque Key location. Place original torque key in a location where it will not be lost as it is not needed for this set-up but may be needed in the future.

NOTE: In order for the PSFSS to function, BOTH connections must be made to your wheel base if only one or the other is connected the PSFSS will not function fully.

Setting the Emergency Stop Protocol:
To activate Torque Limiting mode set the switch on the back of the unit to the LIMIT position. If you wish for the the standard action of the Emergency Stop to be used (Power "off" with activation), set the switch to the OFF location.

Using the PSFFS Safety Switch:
When you get into a situation where you feel that you need a reduction or removal of power (depending on your setting) press the Red Emergency stop button. To reset the button after use turn the button cap slightly to the right and it will disconnect and pop into pre-activation state. After reactivation you will either need to Power the Direct Drive Base back "on" or confirm you wish to have Hi-Torque mode enabled by selecting OK on your wheel (via wheel button or 90deg wheel turn).

To turn the wheel base "on" press the power button momentarily. To turn "off" the wheel base, press and hold the power button for at least 1 second. With the Fanatec Driver V345 and beyond, Fanatec has added a Torque Off feature that can be acivated by momentarily pressing the power button while the wheel base is "on". This Torque off feature can be deactivated in the same manner as it was turned on.

Further Instructions:
More detailed instructions are included in the Instructions for the PSFSS.
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